Video Game History Wiki

Nintendo Entertainment System Remarkably the best-selling 8-bit console by Nintendo, the Nintendo Entertainment System or more commonly abbreviated as NES has a lot of features to share. This huge gray and black box (as we think of it today) is the best-remembered console (after the Super NES) of all times.


The famicom is a variation of the NES that appeared in Japan. In addition to using cartridges, it loaded programs from disks using the Famicom Disk System.


Along with the NES' 6502 CPU's graphic capability, it can also produce music. It has 5 channels. The channel that makes the musical notes are the two Square or Pulse Wave channel. They are called so because of the waves they produce: waves with a 90 degree alteration. Like this: _|"|_|"|, assuming that the "s are straight lines. The other one that produces low-pitched bass hums is the Triangle or Triangulation channel. As like the Square channel produces square waves, this one produces triangle waves. Like this: /\/\/\/\. Then, the White Noise or simply Noise channel. It produces random frequencies within the given parameter to create percussion-LIKE sounds, like static noise. Lastly, the DPCM or Delta Pulse Code Modulation. It contains another copy of the 4 channels above, which when assigned a certain combination of waves, [citation needed] will produce prerecorded sounds. Listen to the game Journey to Silius. Note the distinctive bass sound? That's DPCM.


The Nintendo Entertainment System used the following for input, plugged into a port

  • An NES gamepad
  • An NES four-score adapter
  • A Zapper
  • A Power Pad
  • The Arkanoid paddle
  • The Power Glove

The Famicon also allowed the following attached to the expansion port:

  • Hyper Shot gun
  • Family keyboard
  • Subor keyboard